Friday, February 20, 2009

day late but will tell about court day 2

Day 2

First caseworker talked. It was a good testimony. She said there were compaints in Oct 05 from someone(I am not saying names) but dont hold nothing against that person love person to death weather they know it or not. That she didnt think there was reason to take him out of my care.

The officer that responded to me calling the cops the night Josh was taken. He had "forgot" alot that wasnt in hios report. He said they wasnt any hitting even tho later testimony say there was(See day 3).

Dr G who did all the pshyic eval. All 3 of mine say PTSD(post termatric stress disorder) duh after I been tho. But he says I dont have it under control. I was sitting in same room w the guy who abused me for how many days? Which my attornet pointed out to him and he was shocked that I was not a pile of mush on the floor. YAY me!! HE said Josh was ADHD which I already knew but no one would listen to me.

My councelor. Said I had improved and could benifit from more service but when no money (outside of bills and life) and no insurance cant afford.

Marrina(mom). All good.

Once again me.

Katie-current caseworker. She was so close to tears it was funny. When asked about my scores for family skill builders she lied, whole court knew it.

Gail-Josh's currant foster mom. Said how Josh is doing so far. She has talked to him about adoption. He said it was when u stay at someone house for 2 wks. So she explained it in other term. Adopting a dog from the humane society and explain the whole process. Asked if he knew what that meanshe replied "I am a dog" (only MY son) all the court room was laughing.

End of day one..

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