Sunday, December 21, 2008


Well it was hard but made it thu it. Hunter has grown up so much since I saw him last. Tuesday after I got there I got to meet both sides of the family. It was cool, felt little outta place. Wednesday we stayed in it was really cold out. I played w Hunter alot. I hated the feeeling that I was a stranger to the baby I carried. But he is in a place where he is more then loved and cared for. Sam told me I wasnt there to babysit but to get quality time w Hunter!! Made me cry. Wednesday we went shopping at 1:30 and didnt come back til alomost midnight. hehehe. Got all our shopping done.
I told Tara about the dream I had while I "was out" and Hunter started crying after ward and Mel(Sams sister in law) looked back at him and said "It ok Timothy, your not died." Dont know if anyone knows about the dream. So I will explain. In the dream I was walking down the stairs and my sister, best friend, Kate, friend Bob and my mom( which was odd cuz she is n prison) were saying we cant tell Crystal. I come in and ask tell me what? LeAnn comes up and says she has to tell me. She puts her hand on my shoulder and says Timothy died and we threw his body along 26. :S And so we went out looking for him. And I woke up knowing I had had a baby but he was no where to be found so I thought that really did happen :(

Over all it was a good trip, hated leaving. They will be up this summer!!! Here are some picture I took. Tara took some and will take them off her blog once she posts them.

This is how I remembered him

This is him now. Way different

This is a the temple. They were getting ready to light the lights. It was so pretty but freezing.

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