Friday, September 19, 2008

Long week

So last week was horrible. Last Sunday was Tiffany's birthday and my brother n laws. She was mad at me so I could not see her. Dunno why. AJ took Noi so she couldn't see her own daughter on her birthday.
Monday was my mom's birthdy and of course I am not allowed to see her. Itis always hard on that day. My sister in law(best friend) made me stay with them where I would have someone htere if I needed to talk or a shoulder to cry on. Up side of Monday was got to see Oni and Josh all of a sudden which always makes me feel better!!!
Tuesday had court on them. Went awesome. Tom was not there by phone. Pre-trail was reschduled due the caseworker not having what she needed. If I keep up on the path I am on, Josh will be home in no time!!!!!!!!
Wednesday started off good. Then April called me saying there was 2 deputies looking for me. :( I guess the person who was suppose to be helping me while I was unable to do anything forgot to pay fines which made me really mad. They gave ne 3 options to do. Pay all my fine, pay my back plus this month or turn myself in. First and third one were a no og so I ened up paying 225.
Thursday was just stressing over the week think nothing else could go wrong this week.
Friday About noon JT texted me asking why Josh was getting moved. I replied WHAT. He called me since I had no idea what was going on with that. The state was at the apartment packing all of his stuff to move him away from his aunt. I called everyone to get answers on what was going on. from what a supervisor said his aunt and grandma werent meeting his needs like the had hope. I was not happy. Last Monday I talked to Josh to find out more about where he had been placed. He is in Hillsboro with more boys and 2 parents, I guess that is better?
I have had long talks with Michele. we see eye to eye now, she knows how it feels to have people lie about them and have a child yanked out her care. I wasnt the one who turnede her in, but I know who did.
Well that is all for now. It a pretty big so far.

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